How Much Does It Cost To Move A Mobile Home?

The cost to move a mobile home depends on factors such as trailer size & weight, trailer condition, moving distance, insurance & liability, moving materials, permits & inspection.

The average cost to move & set up a single-wide trailer is between $4,500 to $8,500; for a double-wide trailer, it is between $10,500 to 20,000 and $25,000 to $30,000 for triple-wide homes.

Expect to pay up to $7,000 if you need set-up services. The national average is around $7,500.

Move A Mobile Home

Factors that Affect Mobile Home Moving Costs

Moving Distance

As with many services, the further the distance, the higher the cost. This is due to fuel consumption, labor hours, and potential overnight stays for the moving crew. Short-distance moves (under 100 miles) are typically less expensive, while long-distance moves can significantly increase the cost.

Mobile Home Size, Height, and Weight

Larger, taller, and heavier homes require more resources to move. They may need more specialized equipment and additional labor, making it more challenging to transport safely. For example, a single-wide home could cost around $1,000 – $3,000 to move a short distance, while a double-wide could cost $2,000 – $6,000, and a triple-wide could exceed $10,000.

Mobile Home Size, Height, and Weight

Mobile Home Condition and Age

Older homes or those in poor condition might require extra work to prepare for the move. They could need repairs to ensure safety during transport or additional materials to secure weak points. This extra labor and material can add to the cost. Newer homes are usually designed to be easier to move and are generally in better condition, which can help reduce costs.

Mobile Home Material

Mobile homes are usually made from a combination of wood, metal, and plastic materials. Those with more durable materials, such as certain types of metal, may be heavier, thus increasing transportation costs. Conversely, lighter materials may reduce weight but require extra care to prevent damage during transit, potentially increasing costs.

Foundation Type

Mobile homes can be on different foundations, like piers, blocks, slabs, or full foundations. Some types may require more work to detach and reattach the home, which can increase costs. Additionally, moving a home off a full foundation can be more complex and costly than other types.

Foundation Type

Moving Tools and Equipment

The type and amount of equipment needed can affect the cost. Specialized tools or equipment, like a larger trailer or crane, can increase costs.


Liability and third-party insurance can protect against damage during the move. The cost of this insurance can vary depending on the home’s value, the move’s distance, and the policy’s specifics. This cost is typically passed on to the homeowner.

Permits and Inspection

Permits are often required to ensure the move complies with local regulations and safety standards. The cost of permits can vary greatly by location, but they generally add to the overall cost of the move. Inspections may also be required before and/or after the move, adding to the cost.

Moving Company Reputation

Companies with a strong reputation or extensive experience may charge more for their services. However, paying more for a reputable company can provide peace of mind that the move will be handled professionally.

Escort Vehicles

For larger homes with more than one lane, escort vehicles are often required to ensure safety during transport. The cost of these vehicles and drivers will be added to the overall moving cost.

Escort Vehicles

Pre-Move Repairs

Mobile homes may need repairs before they can be safely moved. These could include fixing damage to the exterior or interior, repairing the chassis, fixing the hitch mechanism, or addressing structural issues. The cost of these repairs can vary greatly depending on the extent of the damage. For example, repairing minor exterior damage might cost a few hundred dollars, while significant structural repairs could cost thousands.

Additional Home Features

Extra features like sheds, garages, or decks can add to the complexity of the move and therefore increase the cost. If these features are also being moved, they will require additional labor and resources. For example, a shed could add several hundred to a thousand dollars to the moving cost, while a garage or large deck could add thousands. If these features are not being moved, there may still be costs involved in detaching them from the home.

Setup Charges

Once the mobile home arrives at its new location, it needs to be properly set up. This includes positioning the home, reattaching it to any necessary utilities, and securing it on its new foundation. These setup services can cost anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the complexity of the setup and the local rates for such services.

Also Read: How Much Does It Cost To Install Solar Panels?

Setup Charges

Tips to Save Money while Moving a Mobile Home

Get Multiple Quotes: Contact different moving companies and get quotes from each. This will allow you to compare prices and services and choose the best value for money. Don’t automatically go for the cheapest option, though, as service quality is also important.

Time Your Move Carefully: Schedule your move during the off-peak season. Moving companies are often less busy during the colder months and may offer lower rates.

Do Some Work Yourself: If you’re capable and confident, you could save money by doing some of the work yourself, like disconnecting utilities, doing minor repairs, or even dismantling and reassembling external features like decks or sheds.

Reduce Extra Services: If the moving company offers a range of services, only choose the necessary ones. For example, you may be able to handle some of the setup tasks yourself once the home is moved.

Maintain Your Home: Regular maintenance and prompt repairs can help keep your mobile home in good condition, reducing the likelihood of costly repairs before a move.

Sell or Donate Unneeded Features: If you have additional features like sheds or garages that you don’t need or use, consider selling or donating them instead of paying to move them.

Frequently Asked Questions

DIY vs. hiring a professional for mobile home moving: which is better?

Most states don’t allow DIY mobile home moving. It involves a lot of risk and can put other people in danger. Hence, it is better to stick with a well-reputed professional as they know all the ins and outs of the work. They also know all the local codes and are better equipped to handle any emergencies during movement.

What are mobile home moving laws?

The laws vary from one state to another. However, almost all states don’t allow homeowners to move a mobile home. Hiring a well-reputed company and researching yourself is better to avoid any inconvenience later.

How much does a mobile home weigh?

Mobile homes can vary greatly in weight, but on average, a single-wide mobile home typically weighs around 35,000 to 40,000 pounds. Double-wide mobile homes usually weigh between 45,000 to 50,000 pounds. Remember, these are averages; the actual weight can vary based on the home’s specific dimensions and materials.

How much does a mobile home setup cost?

Mobile home setup costs can vary depending on the complexity of the setup and local rates. On average, you could expect to pay between $3,000 and $7,000 for professional setup services. This includes positioning the home, securing it to the foundation, and connecting utilities.

Do I need a permit to move to a mobile home?

Yes, you generally do need a permit to move a mobile home. The specific requirements can vary by location, so you should check with your local authorities or a professional moving company to understand what’s required in your area.

How to hire a mobile home mover?

When hiring a mobile home mover, get quotes from several companies. Check their credentials, reviews, and ask for references. Make sure they’re licensed and insured for this type of work. Once you’ve compared quotes and researched, you can choose the company that offers the best balance of cost and service.

Is it worth moving your mobile home?

Whether it’s worth moving your mobile home depends on various factors, including the cost of the move, the condition of your home, and your circumstances. It might be worth it if your home is in good condition and the move cost is reasonable compared to buying a new home at your destination. Always consider all factors and consult with professionals before making a decision.

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